What does your birthstone represent?


Alex Vargas

What does your birthstone say about you? Find out below!

Faith Duggan, Features Writer

Although to some people they can be seen as just a rock, birthstones have a special place in many different cultures and religions, including the ancient Egyptians and Aztecs. Your birthstone is decided by the month you were born, and many people believe that your birthstone can say certain things about you. If you want to learn more about your stone and what it means, here is a list to guide you!

January- Garnet

Although garnet can be found in a variety of colors, the most popular color is a deep red hue. Garnet was used over 5,000 years ago in different pieces of jewelry, and it is still used in numerous ways today. Garnet is said to symbolize passion, friendship, health, love, strong feelings and emotions.  

February- Amethyst

Amethyst has a long history with royalty, only strengthened by the stone having a dark purple color, a color that represents nobility. Many crown jewels have amethysts set in them for the security, sincerity, spirituality and true happiness represented by the stone. 

March- Aquamarine 

Before aquamarine was known as the birthstone for March, it was used by sailors to protect them from rough seas. Now aquamarine represents health, honesty, loyalty, hope and youth. 

April- Diamond

One of the most popular jewels of all time is the birthstone for April: the diamond. Diamond is known for its durability and transparency. Diamonds are said to represent love, purity, openheartedness and unity. 

May- Emerald

The birthstone for May is the emerald, which also happened to be the favorite jewel of Cleopatra. This jewel is said to represent youth, rebirth, wisdom, success in love and good fortune. Emerald is known for its deep green color, although its color can range from light green to dark green-blue.

June- Pearl

Considered one of the most beautiful wonders from nature, the birthstone for June is the pearl. The pearl represents success, happiness and love. Pearl is the only gemstone made by a living creature. 

July- Ruby

Once considered the best of all gemstones, rubies represent wisdom, health and love. In ancient history rubies were used by Hindus to ward off evil spirits and by the Chinese to show dedication to the emperor. They also have a history of representing royalty.

August- Peridot

Peridot is known for its brilliant green color and rumored ability to give its wearer more power. While the origin of the name of the peridot is unknown, it is said to bring good fortune to those who wear it. 

September- Sapphire 

Although sapphires come in a variety of colors, the most popular color is blue. The gemstone has a history of being used to protect loved ones from harm. Today, sapphire represents serenity, peace and calmness. 

October- Opal

The birthstone for October is opal, named after the Greek word meaning “a changing in color.” Every opal has the ability to reflect a different color pattern, making each one unique. Opal is said to bring luck. 

November- Topaz 

This amber-hued jewel can be found in a variety of colors, including blue, pink and yellow. This jewel, named after the island Topazos, is said to represent wisdom, friendship and long life. Some healing rituals also utilize the topaz, which gives the stone its reputation for longevity. 

December- Tanzanite 

Tanzanite is named after Tanzania, the only place where this blue and violet gemstone can be found. Those born in December are represented by a jewel that represents fidelity, love and confidence.