In attempts to avoid taking exams as much as possible, students may think twice before going on that beach trip. Exam exemptions have changed to a policy similar to the original criteria pre- COVID-19. Since the return to in-person, absences have not been considered when determining exam exemptions.
“The difference in the policy this time, versus what was pre-pandemic, as far as the district policy, prior to it was if you have an A and more than five absences, then you would have to take the exam,” Principal Kevin Spainhour said.
Many students were happy that the policy was not returning to its original but less limited criteria.
This year, exemptions are determined based on the number of unexcused absences instead of both excused and unexcused. Those who receive an A in the class and have no more than five unexcused absences, a B with no more than three unexcused absences, and a C without any unexcused absences will be exempt from final exams. The exception to this policy is state End-of-Course tests, including Math I, Math III, Biology, and English II, which are mandatory.
“I think it’s pretty fair. I’m glad they changed it to unexcused absences,” junior Lindsey Martin said.
To avoid taking an exam, students must go to the attendance office with an official note to receive an excused absence within two days of being absent.
“If a student has a legitimate doctor’s note, has legitimate absences, based on excused notes, then those will not count towards exam exemptions,” Spainhour said.
For some students, this policy is not an issue regarding being successful this school year and avoiding exams.
“I tend not to miss any classes; I try not to because I `want to get all the information I can on a subject,” senior Maddie Newsome said.
The district hopes this policy will make a significant difference in attendance this year.
“There’s already a little bit of a different vibe in the school as far as being present.
Unlike in past years, the district has modified the policy to consider students and their needs fully. More emails from parents and phone calls will be accepted to give each student a fair chance. Nevertheless, the administration is pushing for improvement and hopes to put the Titans on the map for the best attendance.
Get Your Excuses Excused: Absences count for exam exemptions
Madds Whisenant, News Editor
September 21, 2023

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