The First Week of School: Expectations vs. Reality
1. Seeing your friends again
Expectation: You walk into the cafeteria, there smiling back at you is your group of friends in your usual hangout place.
Reality: You walk into the cafeteria, but alas! A gaggle of freshmen has taken over your spot and your friends are nowhere in sight. Where could they possibly have gone? After a brief moment of panic and pretending to be using your phone, you find your crew.
2. New Classes
Expectation: It’ll be a pretty chill week, all we’re doing is going over syllabi, right?
Reality: Wrong! Eight papers, six worksheets, three lab reports, and one project later, it’s finally the weekend.
3. Class Changes
Expectations: How could anyone get anywhere in five minutes!? The breezeway is crowded and you have to get from the 1000 building to the 700 building!
Reality: You have plenty of time, five minutes is more than enough time to get where you’re going, just find your routes and slow your roll.
4. Outdoor Campus
Expectation: A breath of fresh air between classes, how nice!
Reality: In the summer by the time you get to class you’re sweating, in the winter you need a full-on parka, and when it rains, beware the floods.

Kelly Kendall has been working for the Zephyr staff since her sophomore year as an opinion writer, typically writing about current events or controversial...