Two years ago, students and staff united under the common banner of sportsmanship. They all gathered on the floor of the new gym, bracing for battle. When the whistle blew, it began: the SGA’s student-staff dodgeball game.
Last year, there was no dodgeball game due to administrative decisions. This year, the gym classic was scheduled to return, but ultimately cancelled because of snow days.
“Spainhour did not approve of it last year, but Mrs. SC approved it this year. We tried to get it last year, but it didn’t work out,” SGA president senior Sydney Baldwin said.
One of the most crucial differences from the previous game is that this time there would have been an absence limit for people wanting to participate. Potential players could have no more than 2 unexcused absences or 5 unexcused tardies between the dates of Feb. 3 and March 4 or they would not be allowed to participate. For those who met the attendance requirement, there would have only been one more barrier to entry, that being the $5 admission fee.
“I hope[d] that many of my current students play[ed] so that I get a chance to throw something at them. It [would] be a great chance to have some playful antagonism between students and staff,” English teacher Stephen Langford said.
In addition to participating, students could also come to watch the match. Spectators still would have met the absence requirement and paid the $5.
“It [was] five dollars to enter and to watch, and it goes to a good cause of our choice. We [were] going to pick our charity in the next couple months,” Baldwin said.
The game would have been held during fourth period in the new gym on March 7. However, because of the snow days, admin thought it best that instructional time in class be preserved, and the game is canceled until further notice. Until such time as SGA releases more details about a future date, it is safe to assume that West will once again lack a dodgeball game.