After a long Christmas break and a few snow days, students were welcomed back to school with two familiar surprises. Due to new security measures, Smartpass and a new kind of metal detectors will be implemented on campus. Smartpass had been mandated for the whole school, unlike last year during the second semester when it was in its testing phase in the 400 building. Students are now required to go through metal detectors in the morning and use Smartpass to travel around campus, go to the bathroom or any other instance where they would be leaving the classroom.
Smartpass was not implemented during the beginning of the school year because of the many other changes that were occurring during that time.
“First semester I had just transitioned into being principal. Me transitioning late, the early start to school, there was just a lot going on at the beginning of the year, so that’s why we pushed it back to the second semester instead of starting it in the beginning,” Principal Ayonna Sutton-Chaplin said.
What is hoped to be achieved with Smartpass holding students responsible, staying on task and to add an element of safety. The passes also help admin to keep tabs on students throughout the school.
“The goal of Smartpass is to bring more student accountability. So we know which students are out at the same time and cut off on students just hanging out in the bathroom, up to no good and vaping. For admin, it helps us have eyes on students who are not doing what they are supposed to be doing,”Sutton-Chaplin said.
Smartpass may be following us into the next school year if there is a positive response from students and staff.
“We will see how it goes the second semester and of course, we will get feedback from students and staff,” Sutton-Chaplin said.
On January 21st, students had to start going through the new metal detectors. They were directed to the old gym upon arrival to school, where students were expected to remove Chromebooks, tablets such as iPads and Kindles and all three-ring binders from their backpacks. When these items were removed, students were allowed to walk through the metal detectors with their backpacks, keys and phones on their person. If the detector beeped, their bookbag had to be checked by a teacher. Unlike the old metal detectors, students were not issued wristbands after passing through.
“This is the pilot program from the district called Open Gate Safe Gate. The purpose is for students to be able to get through quicker and not hold students up, so we were advised to not do wristbands or stamps because it will slow the process down than if we have our regular metal detectors going, which I think we will go back to fourth quarter, we will have to have wristbands,” Sutton-Chaplin said.
The open gate is only used to detect weapons and not other contraband such as vapes or medication.
“The open gate is only looking for weapons, so it’s not gonna detect a vape, it’s strictly weapons like knives and guns,” Sutton-Chaplin said.
The open gate metal detectors are not a permanent addition to the school and will just remain for the time that was given by the district.
“We are just doing it for four weeks every morning and we are keeping it before school because we are not giving out wristbands. Students who are coming from the career center just go to class,” Sutton-Chaplin said.
With Smartpass and the open gate metal detectors being implemented this second semester, both students and staff are in for a change. Random classroom checks will also be continued and should be expected in the future. Remember to check emails to stay informed on new safety measures and additions added to the school.