Whenever someone is asked what their favorite holiday is, nine times out of ten their answer will be Christmas. If they respond with any other holiday, they will most likely be met with a rebuttal or a straight up “you’re wrong.” This has happened to me more times than I can count, for as long as I can remember. But I would like to argue that Christmas in itself does not live up to the hype it receives.
When you think of Christmas, what comes to your mind is most likely snow, presents, homemade food and spending time with family. For me, Mariah Carey’s defrost timer and stores full of seasonal merchandise is what comes to mind. As soon as Halloween ends, if not before, people start rushing to get into the Christmas spirit. While there isn’t necessarily anything wrong with that, it takes away from the other holidays. I believe that most Christmas enthusiasts only enjoy the holiday for the season, and not the actual holiday itself.
Almost every store you can think of is closed on Christmas day, leaving you cooped up in your home all day long. While this may not be an issue for some people, others don’t have family to spend Christmas with, or don’t have a good relationship with their family in general. On top of that, Christmas day consists of opening presents and eating food, that’s it. As you get older opening presents changes from receiving toys and unneeded items to necessities, or no gifts at all. Even the Fourth of July is full of more activities you can do.
As a kid, Christmas feels so much more special. You can play with your new toys and games all day and thank Santa Claus for everything he got you, but as a teen going on young adult, the gifts most of us ask for aren’t just for fun and entertainment any more. There’s no more waking up to search for the Elf on the Shelf, or leaving cookies out for Santa, it’s just waiting to see what items you can check off your Christmas list.
Christmas relies heavily on spiritual and seasonal beliefs, along with money and having people you are close enough with to celebrate the holiday. While the winter season may be a wonderland full of fun activities, it ends quickly on a dull note. Just because Christmas is magical for you, doesn’t mean it is for everyone else.
Christmas is One of the Worst Holidays
Ava Angle, Opinion Editor
December 10, 2024
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About the Contributor

Ava Angle, Opinion Editor
Ava Angle is a senior and first year Opinion Editor. This is her third year writing on Opinion for the Zephyr. Ava still LOVES cats and enjoys listening to 2000’s rock bands. When she’s not in class you can find her replaying cd’s in her car and buying her typical mocha peanut butter frappe from Ketchie Creek (where Lena works.)