For many cash-strapped students, the hardest part of any English class is finding the right books for affordable prices. With that in mind, English Department Chair Stuart Egan and the NEHS will be holding a book drive until the end of the year.
“We have a large school and it’s always good if students can have physical copies of books. It’s also good if they have a chance to annotate and make their own notes inside of text. It’s just a way to ensure that as many students as possible can have a copy,” Egan said
Students are invited to drop off lightly used books from previous English classes at room 1028 for current and future Titans.
“We encourage anybody to bring any book that would be worthwhile for a student to read,” Egan said.
Any books donated should be in relatively good condition, without annotations in the margins. The English department will use these Books to provide for financially challenged students and for independent reading assignments.
“We are looking for people to donate books that they like, that have helped them in any aspect of their life, or school required books to help those students who can’t afford to buy them,” senior Mariangel Noriega said.
The NEHS will be collecting donations until the end of the year, meaning that even procrastinators can participate. So if there are any books that have been collecting dust on the back of a shelf, now is the perfect time to let them start a new chapter.
Hit the Books: National English Honors Society holds book drive
Gray Dimock, News Guest Writer
March 18, 2024
Required books for most English classes
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Gray Dimock, News Writer
Gray Dimock is a second-year writer for the Zephyr and is thrilled to be starting on the news staff this year. He loves watching movies, reading fantasy novels, and spending time with his friends. When he’s not writing an article, Gray can often be found at the APAC practicing for the next school play.