Supplying 40% of the nation’s blood supply, the American Red Cross has consistently relied on schools to bring in donors of all sorts including students, parents and staff to give blood and save lives. The Girls Service Club has historically been a massive contributor to the Red Cross every semester as they host a bloodrive in the gym. Unfortunately, since COVID19 donations have dropped rapidly and the nation’s overall blood supply has plummeted. Keeping this in mind, GSC was hopeful to have comeback this round through, but due to no show donors and lack of blood donation eligibility for athletes, their blood goal was not met.
Coaches have been more outspoken about restricting athletes from donating their blood, especially regarding winter and spring sports. If an athlete’s sport is in season, then they are unable to participate in the blood drive because of possible health issues during practice or games.
“There have been problems in the past [with athletes donating blood] especially if they donate later in the day, it’s just not well advised because there’s such a high risk for passing out and not being able to play or compete,” Coach Shannon Casey said.
These limitations can make reaching the donor goal extremely difficult and can put students who want to make a change in a difficult circumstance.
“I have donated blood in the past but not for West. I would donate this year but because I’m an athlete and we’re in season, I’m not allowed to,” junior Lucas Alderman said.
While students, parents and teachers might sign up to give blood, many people end up not showing up. This is very discouraging to the Red Cross who counts on this blood to help save others.
“Though we still had an awesome turnout and we helped save a lot of lives, it’s disappointing to expect to beat the goal we set because we had a lot more people sign up than our set goal and then not even our goal amount of people attended.” Club secretary, senior Stella Webster said.
Despite the outcome of this year’s bloodrive, GSC is still hopeful that next semester will bring in more donors.
“With a bit more encouragement to save lives, I am positive we will be able to beat and exceed our goal,” Webster said.
Make A-Positive Impact: GSC hosts annual blood drive
Olivia Hutchison, Features Writer
February 29, 2024
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Olivia Hutchison, Social Media Manager
Olivia Hutchison is a junior and it is her second year writing for the Zephyr. She was apart of the features staff and thoroughly enjoyed it so she continues to write for features this year. When not writing fun articles, she enjoys playing soccer, hanging out with her girlfriends and working out!