Point: Abbie Leonard
With the holiday season and the foods that come with it, the feast that holds the biggest place in my heart is Thanksgiving. For as long as I can remember, I always remember being ecstatic about the glorious foods at this celebration. With the classics like turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes, Thanksgiving never lets me down.
The traditional Thanksgiving foods always shine through. To me, nothing will ever overshadow turkey, it’s practically the poster child for this tradition, and rightfully so. Turkey fills me with joy as I taste its rich flavor and juiciness, not to mention its symbolism of our gratitude towards each other and the meal. But every champion has its competition. In this case, the turkey’s challenger is mashed potatoes, the flawless side dish that will forever steal my heart. Mashed potatoes have an unmatched texture, especially when mixed thoroughly with butter, making them extra creamy, smooth and flavorful. By having turkey as a main course and mashed potatoes as a side, Thanksgiving will always remain the best and tastiest holiday.
Although traditional Thanksgiving food is already top-tier, adding a personal and creative twist to a meal is always fun. Other equally delicious treats have emerged for this food-filled holiday. For example, the sweet potato and marshmallow casserole, which contains the perfect mix of silliness and imagination. The gooeyness of the marshmallow perfectly compliments the soft potato, creating a magical texture for this dessert, as well as a scrumptious and sweet taste.
Another unique dish that always catches my attention is stuffing, the ultimate showing of creativity among festive foods. The endless combinations of bread, onions, garlic and various spices make the turkey twice as delicious while adding an enjoyable mix that usually wouldn’t be put together. Stuffing has another perfect texture with its crispy and tender consistency, a mouth-watering inclusion to turkey.
Thanksgiving is an all-around blissful holiday, with food that will always be delicious alongside new and tasty meals. Whether you’re looking for a bountiful feast or a single buttered roll, Thanksgiving foods are diverse enough to fit anyone’s palate. So, at your next gathering, make sure to fill your plate and enjoy these delightful meals while the season is upon us.
Counter Point: Kaylee Styers
Thanksgiving is known for two things: friends and family coming together and of course, food. While I have no problem with the gathering of loved ones, I do have a deep loathing for the majority of the traditional food served. Each year my empty plate is pitiful compared to everyone else’s full plate. The only foods on my plate are mashed potatoes, mac-and-cheese, a roll and a piece of ham. I am not a picky eater, it just so happens that all of the foods I despise are Thanksgiving foods. For starters, Turkey is a wanna-be chicken. I find nothing appealing about this type of bird meat. It’s dry, lacks flavor, and spends most of Thanksgiving cooking in the oven. Leave this bird in the wild and cater Chick-fil-A chicken nuggets.
Also, the thought of sweet potatoes with marshmallows should have never been brought to the table. Sweet potatoes were fine how they were, and then some crazy person got the notion to melt marshmallows on them, what an abhorrent recipe. I will never understand how people happily consume this. Another recipe best served in the trashcan is stuffing. I don’t know who came up with it, but they should lose their cooking privileges and not even be able to own an oven. The typical stuffing has bread or cereals, usually mixed with vegetables, ground meats, herbs spices and eggs. What a vomitous mixture, that for some reason is being stuffed into a turkey to eat.
The Jell-O cranberry sauce, which some even label as a dessert, fills me with pure disgust. This “dessert” consists of mushed-up cranberries, walnuts and Jell-O. Just looking at this concoction in a bowl makes me gag, it’s a delicious recipe for never wanting to eat cranberries or Jell-O ever again.
This Thanksgiving, people should reevaluate the food. Just because the food is a traditional thing, doesn’t mean we should eat the same sicking food every year. I just can’t handle any more nasty Meals that make the holiday so dreadful. For a food-based holiday, the food couldn’t get any worse.