With November comes Thanksgiving, and with Thanksgiving: food. While most people think that the fourth Thursday is the only food day on the American calendar, there are actually a plethora of lesser known occasions. A select few individuals are aware that certain days of the year are dedicated to specific foods, like National Donut Day (first Friday in June), but what you may be unaware of is that every day has been devoted to something digestible. You’ve probably never heard of National Trail Mix, Falafel or Drink-A-Beer day, but they do exist. In light of this month’s theme of food, here is a list of the national food days around Thanksgiving, as well as a couple of the more unorthodox festivities.
Nov 7 – National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day
Nov 12 – National Pizza with Everything but Anchovies Day
Nov 15 – National Clean Out Your Fridge Day
Nov 20 – National Peanut Butter Fudge Day
Nov 21 – National Gingerbread Cookie Day
Nov 22 – National Cranberry Relish Day
Nov 23 – National Espresso Day
Nov 24 – National Sardines Day
Nov 25 – National Eat with a Friend Day
Nov 28 – National French Toast Day
Nov 29 – National Chocolates Day
Most of these days were created by viral social media posts or businesses trying to make a profit, but that doesn’t stop many people from having fun and cleaning up the kitchen on the fifteenth, or eating a Ghiradelli on the twenty-ninth. Famous names like Jack In the Box and McDonalds have created National Drive-Thru Day (July 24) and National Caramel Day (April 5) respectively. Even President Ronald Reagan once joined in the fun and created National Ice Cream Day (July 21) with a presidential proclamation.
If you’re curious about what day is dedicated to your favorite food or what food your birthday is devoted to, this information can be found on Foodimentary.com.