The Club that Keeps on Giving: Girls service club
The Girls Service Club selling $1 lemonade to benefit West.
Whether it be taking your blood or selling lemonade, there’s not much the Girls Service Club hasn’t done for the West community. The club has hosted two blood drives this year, providing 250 pints of Titan blood. All members of the club were expected to volunteer at the event and bring snacks for the students who participated. A new event the club put on was the lemonade stand, which was very successful in raising $650 in six days, all going toward West students and campus improvements.
“This year we’ve really tried to make improvements in our immediate school community. we used the funds from our recent lemonade stand to support our students at West,” said Senior Grayson Taylor.
When the holidays roll around so does the Christmas Angel program. This program allows the members to buy gifts for those who are less fortunate during the holidays. The club doesn’t stop there. after school, the girls devote their time to cleaning up the campus for other students. Each and every member gains knowledge and understanding through each and every service they do.
“GSC provides so many opportunities throughout the year to get involved, whether it be a blood drive, lemonade stand, reading to children making, cards for teachers or giving back to students who are less fortunate there is always something that can be done even. GSC allows girls from all different kinds of backgrounds who possessed different skills to come together and serve their community,” senior President Camden Adams said.
The club is a student-led club and is strictly for juniors and seniors. Since it is a student lead club almost, all of the ideas and jobs are delegated to the students of the club
“I am very much of it being a student-driven and student-led club and I mean we’re approached and then I let them make the decisions, they even came up with the ideas of lemonade stand. I’m all about them leading the meetings it just gives them the experience of being leaders and going forth and going to college and making them more comfortable at leadership roles so sometimes I want to interject but I have to sit back and I just let them [lead the meeting] I just think it’s important,” sponsor Katherine Johnson said.
With the club coming to an end for the year, the GSC is excited to welcome the rising juniors and say a heartfelt goodbye to the seniors who provided their hard work and ideas for this year.
“I really enjoyed the time I’ve been able to spend as an officer, but even if you’re not interested in running, GSC is a great opportunity to make friends while serving,” Taylor said.
More is to come from the Girls Service Club, as they are in hopes of making an even bigger impact next year.

Kaylee Styers is a senior and a third-year writer for the Zephyr. She is the sports editor this year. Kaylee enjoys playing lacrosse, being outdoors, having...