Dodge Class: Attend SGA Student-Staff Dodgeball Game
Mr. Robbins gears up for the game.
Every student has wanted to chuck a ball at their teacher at least once. While many can only dream of this, students now have the chance to fulfill this fantasy at the upcoming student .vs. staff dodgeball game organized by the Student Government Association.
SGA has partnered with Chick-fil-A this year and has implemented the Chick-fil-A leadership academy in which they complete impact projects. SGA completed one of their impact projects in December and hope to use the dodgeball game proceeds for their spring project.
“We are going to use the money made from the game to pay off student lunch debt, buy supplies for a teacher supply closet, and purchase materials for campus beautification,” SGA president Trichelle Cross said.
Aside from the game benefiting the school, students are excited to miss class and have some fun.
“I love dodgeball and have already made a bet with my teacher that I am going to beat him, so I am definitely excited for the game,” junior TJ Fergus said.
Students aren’t the only ones looking forward to this event, many teachers are excited to show off their dodging skills.
“I’m ready to take on the whole student body. I’ve been practicing dodging wrenches because I heard if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a dodgeball,” math teacher Jeffery Williams said.
The showdown will occur on March 30 during the fourth period in the old gym. Tickets will be available for purchase March 22-28 during lunches and will be sold for $5 for watching or participating in the game.
Students should come to the game and bring their school spirit to have a blast with their peers and teachers. Don’t dodge this opportunity.

Mallory Hearn is a senior and 2-year Editor-In-Chief of the Zephyr. She loves playing with her dogs, trying new foods, and shopping. When she's not at...