Do’s and don’ts for Valentine’s Day
Every Valentine’s Day, it seems like so many activities and cliché presents are being overdone and are getting old. Gifts are always appreciated and are a sentimental gesture, but thoughtlessly picking out a box of chocolates and a stuffed animal from Walmart on February 13th is not a gift that comes from the heart. Here are some new things to take into consideration this Valentine’s Day season to show your significant other how much you truly care.
Do: Ask them to be your Valentine
Don’t start off with the wrong foot, if you don’t ask that special someone to be your Valentine. There’s no point in even going out or giving your partner a gift. Asking them to be your valentine is such a simple thing, yet no one does it. his step doesn’t need to be a big production; just ask, it’s not a hard task!
Don’t: Get unwanted jewelry
I’ve seen almost every woman over the age of 35 wearing that one heart necklace, they typically get from their husband at least once. It’s so basic, and we need to let this tradition die, because there are so many unique and more affordable options that would get worn. If you are buying someone jewelry, make sure you know what kind of jewelry they prefer. If they are a silver jewelry person, they’re not going to wear a gold bracelet, and if they don’t wear rose gold, don’t buy it.
Do: Buy their favorite candy
The heart-shaped boxes are an adorable, classic gift, but chocolate isn’t for everyone. Make sure you know what the person you’re buying for likes so they can enjoy their gifts instead of giving them away to their chocolate-loving friend. If they’re not a candy person, you can still buy a Valentine’s themed tin and fill it up with things they might enjoy such as crystals, their favorite snack, bath bombs and self-care products; the possibilities are endless.
Don’t: Bring up the ex
This should be a given, but there really shouldn’t be any reason for you to talk about what you and your ex were doing on last year’s Valentine’s Day. Don’t compare the date or the present, and most definitely don’t take them to the same place you took your ex for the occasion. Out of all the days to talk about your past partner, February 14 is not the day.
Do: Know your date
To make this night as close to perfect as possible is simple, know what your partner is comfortable with. For example, if your date isn’t a fan of going out, try ordering take-out and watching your favorite rom-com. Keep in mind, not everyone likes roses. Find out their favorite flower instead., Remembering the little things and incorporating them into your date is the way to go. If you simply don’t know anything about your “other half,” just ask in a casual way instead of trying to guess.
In the end, the main thing that matters is the thought and effort you put into Valentine’s Day and to show how much you truly care.

Kaylee Styers is a senior and a third-year writer for the Zephyr. She is the sports editor this year. Kaylee enjoys playing lacrosse, being outdoors, having...