Students Say What: Will second semester be better or worse for you?
With second semester right around the corner, the natural rise and fall of grades, fluctuating mental health and tempting thoughts of summer are all obstacles students will face. Officially reaching the halfway mark, Titans give their predictions on how second semester will treat them.

“I believe second semester will be so much better for me because I am switching my hard classes for easy ones and I am so excited,” sophomore Campbell McClain said.

“Second semester is going to be better because I will have more time to spend with friends and I will be getting my license,” sophomore Benjamin Furbee said.

“Second semester will be a lot worse for me because I have two Pre-AP classes,” freshman Addy Kemen said.

“The second semester will be better because I have no sports practice, and my classes will be more enjoyable,” senior Kennison Moore said.
“I think second semester will be worse because I have math and I am not good at that subject,” senior Shelby Plummer said.

“The second semester will be way better than first semester because I have my routine developed and I am more prepared to take my classes,” junior Coleman Mulligan.

“Second semester is going to be way harder for me because I have to replace English with chemistry,” sophomore Arianna Frens said.
“My second semester is going to be the exact same because none of my classes change,” junior Anna Vestal said.
No matter how the upcoming semester will go, students can always look forward to the end of the year. Whether it’s summer trips, graduation or no school, second semester is one step closer to the finish line.

Sissy Hayes is a senior and second year writer for the Zephyr and a first year writer for sports. She enjoys working out, listening to music and hanging...