Titan Tailgate gears up for game day
Following the excitement of Homecoming, clubs are starting to get ready for the annual
Titan Tailgate.
In preparation for Homecoming as well as the Titan Tailgate, the school is raising spirit by
having themed days during Homecoming week and finishing it off with the Tailgate the week
after, Oct. 21, 5 p.m.
There will be so many new experiences and activities for those who attend.
“The Titan Tailgate serves to promote school spirit, display the clubs that want to be involved,
encourage parents to get involved and make everyone excited for the football game,” Assistant
Principal Rhonda Powell said.
Those who attend the Tailgate, will be introduced to clubs that are available to students.
“We explore clubs, they have lots of games, food, it’s a fun time you get to do different things
and see people that you normally don’t see during school,” Powell said.
Students are eager to promote their clubs and encourage new membership.
They raise money by selling treats and goodies to people in attendance. Club members make treats to grab the attention of students and draw them to their booths. They also sell goodies to raise money for their organization.
“People should come see the Key Club at the Titan Tailgate because we will have brownies and
cookies for sale, you can also find information for joining local service projects,” said Key Clubs
advisor, Theresa Bryant.
Being able to participate in the Titan Tailgate is a great experience for club members, as well as
the students that are coming out. Club members, both new and old are thrilled to be part of the
Titan Tailgate.
“I’m excited, The past few years hasn’t been the same ever since COVID so I am excited to see it
return somewhat back to normal. I’m ecstatic to see what’s going to happen and watch all
the clubs come out, and I think everybody should come and have fun,” senior Trichelle Saunders
The Student Government Association is pushing to have different activities this year, like having their own booths, promoting themselves as well as trying to get more people in attendance and activities for SGA.
“People should come to the Titan Tailgate to see SGA because we are doing something new and
different this year. Typically SGA leads Titan Tailgate and we usually walk around and help
other clubs, but this year we are planning to have a booth of our own and have our own
activities, so I think people should come and see the new things we are doing this year,” SGA
president, Trishelle Saunders said.
The Titan Tailgate is an event designed to help support the clubs that are offered at school
while also informing students of ways to participate.
The Titan Tailgate will start at 5 p.m. before the home game against R.J. Reynolds Oct. 21.

This is Rhea’s first year writing for the Zephyr and she is very excited to write for the news column. She normally works out in her free time or hangs...