Sound the Sirens: New Fire Tech class comes to campus
Fire Tech teacher, Tadd Byrum, stands in front of the Clemmons Fire Department sign.
Although participants will learn to put out fires in the new Fire Tech course, the class has already ignited a passion for fire safety in many students. The Fire Academy course is a new class that allows students to work toward getting certification for fire fighting. The courses offered are Public safety (related to law enforcement and firefighting, EMS) Fire Tech 1,2 and 3.
“It’s a new program that I am excited to take part in; it’s a great way to expose people who may not have opportunities to learn and explore careers in public safety,” freshman Alex Mcbride said.
The class exposes students to day to day life of a firefighter and important skills such as teamwork and dedication. The class is set up to be similar to the structure of a fire department, giving students the same responsibilities and ranks.
“If a student were considering a job in public safety, this program would be a good start,” Fire Tech teacher Tadd Byrum said.
Byrum worked for the Winston Salem Fire Department in various ranks, retiring as Deputy Chief, and has been in the industry for almost 30 years.
“I got my start in high school. I remembered the excitement and the thrill and I just want to give back,” he said.
Students who have completed Public Safety in the first semester will be able to take the Fire tech class in the spring. Byrum hopes more students will be drawn to the program since students will be active on campus participating in interactive activities for the class.
“I’m looking forward to the program growing,” Byrum said. For more information, visit

Kaylee Styers is a senior and a third-year writer for the Zephyr. She is the sports editor this year. Kaylee enjoys playing lacrosse, being outdoors, having...
Sherry Waycaster • Sep 23, 2022 at 3:46 pm
Great article! Enjoyed reading.