Boys tennis serves the season
The boys tennis team has dominated this year, finishing the regular season undefeated along with attaining their rightful title of Conference Champions and securing a spot in regionals. No obstacle, not even a broken bone, has stopped these boys from earning that.
No. 3 seed Gavin Lamb faced a massive setback when he broke his hand during gym class.
“When I found out my hand was broken, I was so disappointed and shattered that the season may be over for me… I quickly learned that I was going to have to play like that in order to enter the Conference Tournament for doubles,” said Lamb.
As a team should, the boys worked through this together.
“Along the way coach Cranford and the team were helping me in every way possible…I had teammates staying after practice helping me hit in order to prepare for the tournament,” Lamb said.
Lamb and senior Josh Lucero went on to place 2nd in the conference in doubles.
Sophomore Xavier Lopez and junior Jeffery Lyons placed 3rd at conference in doubles, while freshman John Howell and sophomore Aiden Seymour took 4th.
The three doubles advanced to regionals.
With this being coach Sara Cranford’s first undefeated season, she credits the team’s success to outstanding leadership and constant hard work.
“We have a big senior class on the team this year and they have just been amazing… they offer great guidance and support to the whole team,” Cranford said.
Underclassmen on the team are more than grateful for this support.
“Our accomplishments this year have been due to a combination of great coaching and better leadership…it’s crazy to have that many people supporting you,” sophomore Matthew Lee said.
Along with being excellent leaders, the seniors encourage and demonstrate hard work at both practice and matches.
“The team had such great success this year because the chemistry was very high… we give it all we have at practice, that’s why we were the best in the conference,” senior Cameron Roth said.
The No. 2 seeded Titans beat Weddington High School in the first round of the state playoffs and will take on No. 7 seed Marvin Ridge tomorrow.

Mallory Hearn is a senior and 2-year Editor-In-Chief of the Zephyr. She loves playing with her dogs, trying new foods, and shopping. When she's not at...