Titans got Talent
We all know the class clown, we all know the quiet kid and we definitely all know the teacher’s pet, but do we really know them? One, if not all of them, could have a talent we are completely blind to, but that’s all about to change. The Theater Department will be holding its annual Talent Showcase and Coffeehouse on Feb. 17 at 6 p.m. in the APAC, so we can really see what our classmates are made of.
“The show is a great way for kids who don’t usually get the spotlight to shine,” Theater Arts director Renae Hubbard said.
The Coffeehouse will have coffee and hot chocolate along with snacks on sale for $1, so you can enjoy the show with a nice treat.
“We really encourage everyone to come out and watch some really cool acts while enjoying refreshments from the Coffeehouse. At the same time, you’re supporting the upcoming musical, ‘Legally Blonde’ which we really appreciate,” Hubbard said.
Tickets will be $5, and proceeds will go towards the theater department and the nearing production.
In the past, around 15 acts ranging from Irish dancing to comedy have been accepted.
“One of my all time favorite acts was this boy who did a comedy skit while he ate a lemon, rind and all. He had the crowd going wild and it was just so good,” Hubbard exclaimed.
“This year you can expect a lot of singing, dancing and music. Me and some friends will be performing a quartet along with mini skits in between acts to keep the audience entertained,” Emcee senior Spencer Browning said.
After months of hard work and dedication students are ready to show what they got.
“My friends and I will be performing ‘Ex wives’ from ‘Six the musical’, we have worked so hard and have been practicing since October,” senior Alice Efremov said. “This is my first year in the talent show and I’m so excited to perform and see the audience’s reaction,”

Mallory Hearn is a senior and 2-year Editor-In-Chief of the Zephyr. She loves playing with her dogs, trying new foods, and shopping. When she's not at...

Ella Ashby is the 2-year Photography Editor of the Zephyr. She loves spending time photographing events around the school, helping out in the library and...