Photo Gallery: Titans steal win against Davie

Kobie Cushing (22) pitches towards catcher Tyson Meritt (15) and Davie batter.
Kobie Cushing (22) winds up for a fast pitch. (Ben Radspinner)
Banks Cox (8) getting in the mindset to hit a homer. (Ben Radspinner)
Bryson Chandler (23) sprints to third base after a single, hit by Patrick Showers (13). (Ben Radspinner)
Kobie Cushing (22) pitches towards catcher Tyson Meritt (15) and Davie batter. (Ben Radspinner)
Zach Lewis (3) at at-bat while Banks Cox (8), on third, eyes the home plate. (Ben Radspinner)
Cam Wall (19) receives a pickoff* from pitcher Kobie Cushing (22) after Davie baserunner attempts to steal second. (Ben Radspinner)

*pickoff – When a pitcher throws to a base in-between pitches in an attempt to get an out or keep a runner close to the base, it’s known as a pickoff attempt.

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