Vaccines but no prom queens: Students attend independent events
Junior, Mia Laws and group planned a COVID-friendly prom for their close friends.
Tis the season of promposals and pretty dresses, but for the second year in the row, COVID has another plan for juniors and seniors. Many schools, including West, have chosen to skip prom for safety and to keep students from spreading the virus. However, there are still ways to have a fun prom experience without actually going to the school function, and being safe.
1. Dress up and take pictures
Prom being cancelled for some is a tragedy; for others though, they couldn’t care less.
“I don’t really care [that prom is cancelled] because I’m just gonna go all out for senior prom,” junior Leslie Cuevas said.
“I understand why it was cancelled, but [the school] could’ve done it somewhere outside, socially distanced with masks,” junior Mia Laws said.
Prom is a chance to get all dressed up, feeling good and looking better, to see your friends and wow everyone. However, you don’t need the dance for this. For girls, get the dress of your dreams, do your hair and makeup, invite your friends over, and have a photoshoot.
2. Go out to eat with friends
If you still want to dress up and go out, dinner with friends is a good way to do this. You could go somewhere fancy or casual. I’m sure you’ll get tons of compliments, and it’d be a good time.
3. Have your own dance or find one to go to
Seniors Olivia Mohr and Emily Harper didn’t want to sacrifice their senior year prom, so they found ways to have the experience outside of school.
“I am going to a prom because I think the night will be a fun way to celebrate and make the most out of this year. The prom I’m going to is abiding by all of Governor Cooper’s COVID-19 guidelines,” Mohr said.
They both have plans on staying safe, COVID-wise, such as making sure their group is vaccinated or staying socially distanced.
“I’m going to a prom because I think it’s one of the only things we’ve been able to do throughout the senior year, so I should take advantage of the opportunity. I’m planning to stay safe by going with a small group of friends who are vaccinated,” Harper said.
4. Save the money
While Prom can be very fun, it is also very expensive. One upside to not having one is you can spend that money elsewhere. From the tickets to the attire, not having a prom will definitely save you a buck. Instead, you could go on vacation or go to the movies.
Prom being canceled is just another way that students have had to adapt for COVID, but that shouldn’t get you down. With just a little creativity you can still make memories to last a lifetime even if it’s not what was expected.

Clara LaRue is the features editor and has been writing for the Zephyr for three years. She is captain of the varsity volleyball team and plans to continue...