Catch Me If You Can: Senior Assassins makes a comeback
Gaby Ferrer takes out fellow Lowes worker Darren James after his shift. Seniors are willing to take extreme lengths, even turning against close friends, to achieve that kill.
The class of 2021 has lost many of the privileges they looked forward to through all of high school. However, even after a year of setbacks, seniors have found a way to make the most of their last few months of high school by continuing a favorite tradition: Senior Assassins.
Seniors Douglas Miln and Olivia Mohr have taken on the task of organizing the game. This is no small job because as per usual, the game is filled with its fair share of comedic drama and players who may be a bit too competitive for their own good. Nonetheless, the continuation of Senior Assassins has served as a way to finally reunite with fellow students through the thrill of the chase that comes with the game.
The basic premise of the game is for the assassin to “kill” their target in the two week time period. A variety of rules make some places like work and sports practices off limits, and targets are only safe if they are wearing their safety clothes- either a sports bra and spandex or boxers. Due to COVID-19 rules, masks are now a part of immunity clothing and assassins must be wearing one for their kill to count as well. If the assassin does not kill their target within two weeks, they become open, meaning anyone in the game can get them out (some may call this a death wish). The winner of the game receives the prize money, which has totaled to a whopping $300 this year. Additionally, the player with the most kills receives $30 while the player with the first kill receives $20. The game is entirely student-run and not West-affiliated.
Both Miln and Mohr are ecstatic to be a part of running the game for their senior friends. That being said, it does not mean they aren’t just a bit excited for the drama as they assign some seemingly purposeful targets.
“My favorite part has to do with the matching system, you can pair and plan out a fun game, so it’s hard by pitting friends against friends,” Miln said.
Mohr agreed that one of the most enjoyable parts of running the game was seeing people’s assassination videos.
“My favorite part of running the game is receiving everyone’s videos and seeing their reactions to their targets,” Mohr said.
Olivia and Douglas both work together outside of school, and both were interested in helping their classmates find a bit of fun amongst the craziness of the past year.
“Everyone was looking forward to it because we did not have anything else for our senior year, so I was excited to help create that experience for all of us,” Mohr said.
Overall, the game has served as a uniting force for students who have felt so far apart.
“One thing COVID-19 has greatly affected is the general bond among students at West. This game was easily incorporated with safety rules and brought back a school feeling and has united many people, a good feeling that many of us need right now,” Miln said.
Students have had a fun time playing the game, and while it may seem to just consist of shooting classmates with water guns, this does not mean that car chases, stalemates and even decoy targets have not been involved.
“I had a plan with another senior to help get out my target. My 10th grade brother was skeptical, so he grabbed our extra pair of crutches, put on a green sweatshirt and black sweatpants (like I was wearing), and hobbled out to the car of the person that was going to pick me up. It turns out, my assassin was hiding in the backseat of the car, and the driver says ‘wait, you’re not Natalie,’and they drove away,” Natalie Lyons said.
Even some family members have become invested in helping their senior win the prize.
“We were engaged in a low speed car chase where we tried to follow my target back to her house. All of the sudden, this lady and her dogs jump out in front of our car, forming a wall we could not pass. We were shocked, embarrassed and scared the cops were going to get called on us. Turns out, it was my target’s mom blocking us from getting her daughter. I was honestly impressed by her family’s dedication to helping her,” Caroline Adams said.
Senior Assassins surely has its fair share of difficulties, for the leaders and the players alike.
“There’s always going to be some people who do not think they are out when they are out, and things can get a little heated. I think seeing some arguments about rules when the rules are pretty incredibly clear can be pretty interesting,” Mohr said.
Some students, including Aubrey Hilton, have resorted to bribery to win the game. At that, some students have even offered their target money in order to secure the kill.
“ I even tried to bribe my assassin’s friends to give me information about her by offering them Chick-fil-A, but I found out that her friends were vegetarian and didn’t want any part in my bribery,” Aubrey Hilton said.
While some students may be eager to win the game, others have decided to accept defeat. Jeffrey Song faced a tough loss as his assassin snuck up on him after pulling his hamstring at a soccer game.
“As I’m approaching my car, I see half dressed figures darting out towards me. I wanted to run but my hamstring said no, and I just sat there contemplating why this was happening to me,” Jeffrey Song said.
Nonetheless, seniors are having a great time playing the game and are reminiscing on their best memories.
“The most fun part for me was when me and all of my friends worked together to get our targets out. It was also funny the way I got out because I got blocked in my own driveway. It was a really fun time,” Humza Qureshi said.
Setups and Snapchat taunts have not failed in helping students eliminate their targets.
“My assassin’s target was my best friend, and she jokingly posted on her story that she was at Panera. We were just joking, but then he actually came. Next thing I know, we were in a high speed chase to his house. I ended up trapping him in his own driveway and he gave in to my relentless begging to get him out,” Kellen Gentry said.
Ultimately, since the initiation of the game on March 1, both seniors and leaders Douglas Miln and Olivia Mohr are enjoying the friendly competition. While chasing after classmates half naked with a water gun does not seem too meaningful, the continuation of one senior tradition has been enough to restore spirits and to help seniors remember that these will be the memories they will look back on as they enter the next stage of their lives.

This is Keri’s second year on the staff as a news writer, and she is excited to be a news editor this year. In her free time, Keri particularly enjoys...