5 ways to support the Black community during Black History Month
The Winston-Salem community gathering together for a protest against police brutality.
In 1970 the first Black History Month took place during the month of February. Ever since the tradition has continued where we take a month to remember all of the special Black voices that have helped our country change for the better. This month is especially important, with communities struggling more than ever due to COVID-19. Here are some ways you can help out the Black community.
Shop locally at Black owned businesses.
Shopping locally not only benefits you by getting unique options but it also benefits the community. Owning a locally owned business is one of the toughest experiences that came from this pandemic. It takes a lot to keep a business afloat and helping out a black locally owned business that is struggling is a way to help them and the community.
It is so easy to search things nowadays and even better it is so easy to find resources to donate to support BLM. All you have to do is search “BLM donate” where the BLM main web page will pop up with many other funds you can donate to in order to support BLM. These donations can be to boost a community or to help someone who was wrongfully accused of a crime. The option of what fund to donate to is up to you. Every penny is helpful.
Sign a petition.
Something that costs no money and is very helpful to the black community is signing petitions that are offered. Most petitions are trying to make a change in the community to better it. You can easily find them by looking up BLM petitions where multiple resources will show up where you can sign unlimited amounts of petitions that are all free.
Peaceful Protest.
Protesting is done all over your local city you just have to be aware of it. If you live near Winston-Salem and are interested in peacefully protesting, the best option for knowing when protests are happening is through Instagram @Winston4peace where 17-year-old Olivia Moore runs the account, announcing protest dates on the accounts story. You could turn the accounts notifications on or be very observant and look for when people repost saying that a local protest will be happening soon.
Spread the word.
If you are unable to do any of the above then the next most helpful thing is to share information. This can easily be done by sending a donation link to all of your friends or by simply posting or reposting a picture that offers resources to people who are willing to use them. Help spread the word and the next time you see something that offers donation resources, post it!
Make sure to overall be respectful during Black History Month. This month represents the effort put into making this country as equal as it could be and represents all of the amazing people who made it possible by risking their lives and speaking their minds.

Liv Brandon is a features writer on the 2020-21 Zephyr staff. This is her first year on the staff. She pole vaults on the track team and loves to hang...

Maddy Brandon began writing for the Zephyr as a features writer during her junior year. Near the end of her junior year she was offered the position of...