Zoom-ing Out of Virtual Learning: WS/FCS announces return plan
With the anticipation of returning to in-person learning in January, there is speculation on whether or not this plan will become a reality. Some students plan to return while others are choosing to stay virtual.
Since transitioning to online learning at the start of the school year, students and teachers alike have been looking forward to the return of in-person learning. With the announcement of the new plan, in-person learning is now within reach.
The plan for the return to school was voted on at the school board meeting Nov. 17. Elementary school students who have already returned are still going to campus, but the plan for more students returning has been paused until Jan. 11. High school students will begin returning to school in their cohorts on Jan. 21. Students will be separated into four different cohorts, and each cohort will be on campus two days every two weeks. Some students will be on campus January 13-20 to take EOCs and CTE exams, and all teacher-made midterms and exams will be before winter break.
Since the announcement of the plan, some students are looking forward to going back to school, while others don’t plan on returning.
“I will not be going back to in-person learning because the sole reason I would be going is for the social aspect, and after reviewing their plan, I do not believe there is going to be a social aspect,” sophomore Caleigh Sipprell said.
“I decided to go back to school because virtual learning just isn’t how I process information the best, and I miss social interaction so much! I feel safe with all the choices West has made in terms of keeping everyone distanced and safe,” junior Amanda Elkhair said.
“I think that if we go back, we should go back for more than four days a month. I am not going back because I do not feel the need to, and I don’t want to put my family at risk,” senior Benjy Rocha said.
“I am going back to school. I am worried about the spread of Coronavirus, though, so I’m taking extra precautions to make sure I don’t catch it. I hope that everyone else makes sure to socially distance and wear their masks so we can get over this pandemic as soon as possible,” freshman Daniel Bryant said.
“If we go back, I’ll be going to Career Center because I only have one class at West, but I’m honestly not sure if I will go back at all. I’m still trying to figure out if it’s worth it to go back and what classes would be like,” senior Lexy Schram said.
Some teachers are looking forward to returning to the classroom while others are still hesitant, but they are all making sure to follow all safety precautions.
“I am looking forward to just being back in the building with my colleagues and students. The last time I was in the classroom was this past March. That’s eight months without seeing colleagues and students, and I am excited to [be] moving back to some sense of normalcy,” social studies teacher Andrew Yeager said.
“I’m looking forward to seeing my students in person instead of on a screen. I am concerned about getting my number of people together in one place as the virus is surging in numbers, so it’s important that we all follow the guidelines to keep all of us safe,” science teacher Chip Putnam said.
“Normally, I would say I am excited to actually see everyone, but in this COVID situation, our idea of seeing everyone is not realistic. It is an unusual time,” American Sign Language teacher Teri Morgan said.
Despite uncertainty about the plan, West Forsyth is taking precautions to ensure everyone is safe. It will be an adjustment for everyone, but students and teachers are looking forward to some return to normalcy.

Maggie Estes is a senior news writer, and it is her second year on the staff. She started writing for news during her junior year and wrote about current...