Posts to Protests: Here’s how students are getting politically involved
Protestors pack the streets expressing their frustration with the current state of the country in hopes of inspiring change. Others wave their “Make America Great Again” signs with vigorous pride and patriotism. Some identify as being tired of politics in general. Politics have become more than just a simple “belief”; some look at others with different views and see this as a difference in morals as opposed to a difference in opinion. With the presidential election commencing in less than a month, and a variety of controversial issues surrounding it, the election is anticipated to be one of the most pivotal in American history. Although not all students can vote, there have been an increasing number of students getting involved with politics and making their voices heard. From a simple Instagram post to going out and attending rallies and protests, students are more interested now than ever to change America’s future. Despite the great disparity of opinions in this intense political climate, there is certainly no lack of passion on either side.
President Trump visited Winston-Salem in September. Known for his large rallies filled with his vehement supporters, students attended to express their loyalty for his re-election.
“I’ve been to a rally to see our president. I’d like to consider myself more independent than anything, but it was a great experience,” junior Garrett Banks said.
“I thought it was really cool when Trump came to Winston because the president never comes here. I like him even though he can be a bit of a loose cannon,” junior Matthew Nesser said.
Despite the extreme opinions surrounding the election, some students remain relatively non-partisan.
“I don’t like either of our candidates. I think Biden has dementia, and Trump is a bad person. As for movements, I try to post what I can on social media, like if I see something having to do with Black Lives Matter or Women’s rights. I’m only 15, so people aren’t really going to listen to me,” sophomore Kayla Holguin said.
“I try to stay informed by getting information from both sides of the story. I believe that the more perspectives you can see, the more likely you will understand a political situation,” senior Jacob Coale said.
“I stay involved by reading articles and going to protests and talking to my friends about their different views on certain topics,” freshman Ainsley Hardacker said.
On the other hand, others are eager to make an individual political footprint this election.
“I am not able to vote since I’m only 17, but I do definitely try to stay involved and informed on issues that are important, such as racial issues like Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ+ issues, women’s issues, etc. I try to have those hard conversations with family members or friends who are ignorant to inform them on these issues,” senior Haley Nowak said.
“I’m going to start a club called the Young Republicans Club, and we help with campaigns by going door to door and sharing information about a candidate,” junior Matthew Nesser said.
Senior Evan Andrews is passionate about directly informing himself by speaking with politicians.
“I contribute to movements I support, such as Black Lives Matter, by giving my time and energy to the cause. I try to attend as many rallies and marches I can, and more importantly, I often talk with legislators and judges about the issues to learn their perspectives and to see how I can best be a change maker. We have come to a point of extreme division in our society, and in order for us to avoid an even greater divide, a change in leadership is necessary. I am strongly of the belief that the current administration has failed at their job and only made things worse,” senior Evan Andrews said.
Although some students may feel like they are unable to make a difference if they can’t vote, there are a variety of ways to get involved to help this year’s election process, despite difficulties due to COVID-19.
“I volunteer with an organization called When We All Vote whose mission is to help high school kids register to vote and show them the importance of their voice. While I’m unable to vote this year, I hope to volunteer as a poll worker to help others carry out their civic duty. This is our future being determined,” senior Olivia Mohr said.
With social media giving students individual platforms in addition to clubs, rallies, protests and volunteer opportunities, there are so many ways to show support and help change the country’s future, even for those who aren’t 18. Each voice is sure to make a difference, especially with such divided opinions. Visit to register to vote.

This is Keri’s second year on the staff as a news writer, and she is excited to be a news editor this year. In her free time, Keri particularly enjoys...