Just Your Type: Girls’ Service Club leads the Blood Drive
With over 130 donors, 75 volunteers and 115 pints of blood donated, the blood drive Feb. 26 proved a success. This event was carefully planned from start to finish by the Girls’ Service Club, which is dedicated to improving the community, while also building lasting relationships amongst the junior and senior members. Katherine Johnson, the advisor of Girls’ Service Club, accredits much of the blood drive’s success to the girls who volunteer.

Junior Dominic Mazza donates blood with club leader Kathy Johnson.
Donors are assigned a Girls’ Service Club buddy who supports them throughout the entire process of donating blood. These girls ensure that their buddy has someone to talk to, easing the donors’ nerves. They make sure that their buddies have food and drinks readily available as well.
“We have had lots of success because they want to be here, and they want to take care of the people [donating],” Johnson said.
Although Johnson took over the club last year, the Girls’ Service Club has held the blood drive for many years. Despite her limited experience sponsoring the event, Johnson began to tear up as she explained the great impact of bringing all students together to promote this common cause.
“Because I’m a Special Ed teacher, to see all students come together no matter their academic status, it’s just sweet,” Johnson said.
The club exceeded its goal of donations with many walk-in donors as well.
“We all worked together and exceeded our goal of donations,” Vice President senior Grace Neiters said.

Senior Grace Neiters and Payton Rice check students and staff in to give blood.
Junior Torrey Kridel explained the most rewarding part of working the blood drive.
“My favorite part is just helping out the Red Cross, making sure everyone is staying safe and taking care of all of the donors,” Kridel said.
Likewise, donors also feel a sense of honor in contributing to this great cause. Students must be 16 years old to donate, so most are upperclassmen.
“I want to be a nurse when I’m older, so I want to see what my patients will feel,” junior Julie Sams said.
Some students are said to be motivated by different causes, such as the promise of snacks and a break from the school day. Nonetheless, their donation still helps to make a difference.
“It is the best of both worlds- you get out of class, and you do something good for the community,” junior Eli Jones said.
Leading up to the day of the event, the leaders of the club ensured that everything would run smoothly. Prep work included signing up donors, setting up tables and making sure all members were ready to represent the club. It is clear that the girls went beyond these goals.
“I get so many compliments that it is so well run, and it’s because of the girls,” Johnson said.
The collective work of volunteers, donors and nurses alike prove that all it takes is passion and a little planning to make a great difference, even if it’s high school students.

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