Normal students are turned all-star cheerleaders at night
Most heroes wear capes, but these girls wear bows. Sophomores Ally Hodges and Mckenna Singer are known for many things, but one in particular is their all-star cheerleading fame on Cheer Extreme’s level six team Senior Elite. Senior Elite is a globally famous all-star cheer team based out of Kernersville, NC.
“Senior Elite is a legacy because everything we do isn’t just for ourselves; it’s for our teammates from previous years who have gotten us to where we are now. Not only that but it’s a family,” Singer said.
Although they individually have built up their stardom, reaching well over 20,000 followers on Instagram alone, Singer and Hodges didn’t start off that way. Singer has been cheering since she was just 3 years old, starting off at Carolina Spirit Athletics (CSA). There she continued to dedicate time and energy to build her skills until she made Senior Elite back in 2016.
“My dedication towards cheer has been consistent for the past 13 years. Cheer has always been a big part of [my] life from an early age. I’ve done four teams at a time, two teams at a time and even just one. Even going into high school I picked to cheer, and my love for it has never changed,” Singer said.
Hodges started cheering at age 4, also at CSA she moved to Cheer Extreme in 2014, where she landed a spot on Senior Elite in 2016.
“I previously cheered at CSA and moved because I had gotten level five skills, and CSA doesn’t have a level five team,” Hodges said.
Despite both Singer and Hodges moving from different gyms to be on a level five team, they were both extremely knowledgeable about Senior Elite’s fame before making the team.
“When I made Senior Elite I knew that they were a well-known team and that many people looked up to them, but I never thought I would ever gain the following I did,” Singer said.
It is often said that popularity changes people. For Singer and Hodges, it did the complete opposite. The fame gave them the drive to continue their cheer career and be a role model for young girls who love and aspire to be like them someday.
“I don’t view myself as famous because to me I am just a normal person. I don’t feel any different then I did before other than the fact that any mistake I make is a bigger deal because I’m known in the cheer world,” Hodges said.
Even their closest friends see them as normal people who just love what they do.
“Mckenna and Ally are two hilarious, talented, and kind people. I don’t view them differently because they don’t use their fame as an advantage for anything and enjoy just being treated as normal teenagers. They act the same as any of my other friends,” senior Payton Rice said.
So, regardless of Singer and Hodges’ celebrity status, there’s more to Singer and Hodges than just their cheer popularity.
“I want people to always remember me as someone who stays positive, uplifting and hardworking despite the fame,” Singer said.

Lexy Hairston, a senior, has attended West Forsyth for two years since her transfer from Virginia. She has written for the Zephyr for two years now and...