Megan Peters: Female kicker eager to make her mark
Defying all stereotypes and expectations, junior Megan Peters is making school history by being the first girl to play on the varsity football team.
“I was excited for her. She works extremely hard. She’s one of the strongest and hardest working girls I’ve ever met. She’s a good one. She’s earned her right to be here,” head football coach Adrian Snow said.
Despite Peters’ interest in playing football, her true love for sports has always lied with soccer.
“I started playing [soccer] at the YMCA when I was really little. Then I went to Triad Elite and then Twins for a few years until I was old enough. I now play for Fusion’s travel team and for the school team,” Peters said.
With a soccer career starting at age 4, Peters never expected to be the starting kicker for the football team.
“My weightlifting coach, Dave McConell, used to be a football coach, so he asked if I wanted to give it a shot. We went out and tried [kicking], and it kind of just clicked,” Peters said.
Peters has made six field goals in the last two games and hopes to continue to thrive as the season continues. With an opportunity to step out of her comfort zone and make school history, Peters has put her all into being fully committed and ready for the high stake games ahead.
“She started during the summer kicking. She’s at practice everyday and does everything that everyone else does. It’s a little different because she just kicks, so she will kick and then leave halfway through practice, but she does everything else all the guys do,” Snow said.
Peters has expressed that her teammates have been very supportive, even those who had doubts in the initial transition.
“I admire the fact that she had the heart to come out and contribute to the team. I think most guys that haven’t played football before would be scared to come and try it, and the fact that she’s a girl makes me respect her even more,” senior wide receiver CJ Graham said.
Peters didn’t need special approval to be on the football team, but rather motivation to be a strong leader and an asset to the team.
“If I could give her any advice, it would be to keep the outside noise out, and don’t listen to the doubters,” senior corner Devares Holbrooks said.
Megan has many dreams and aspirations this season for her team, as well as for herself, and hopes to accomplish them all alongside her teammates.
“I think it’s any athlete’s dream to win states, so that is a dream I have for my team and myself; just to make all of my field goals and excel as the season continues,” Peters said.

Lexy Hairston, a senior, has attended West Forsyth for two years since her transfer from Virginia. She has written for the Zephyr for two years now and...