The small, unprepared village of Clemmons, NC received approximately 14 inches of snow in a span of 24 hours on Sunday, Dec. 9. Many people expected public schools to be out for two to three days; however, Winston-Salem Forsyth County School District (WSFCS) opted to cancel school Dec. 10 – Dec. 14, an entire five day school week. The district has run out of planned weather cancellations due to complications including hurricanes, and heavy snow. Instead of adding these days directly onto the end of the school year, WSFCS is extending the ending of its second quarter, and first semester an entire week. An email addressed to students, teachers and parents notified them of this change.

WS/FCS send out tweets with this picture indicating cancellations due to the hazardous winter weather. The result has been an extension to the end of first semester.
“Many of you have asked about extending the quarter/ semester due to the number of snow days. Second Quarter/ First Semester will be extended by one week and will end on Jan. 25, 2019,” WSFCS Chief of Staff, Alexandra Hoskins said.
With the extended quarter being put into effect, students will have an extra week to prepare for exams. This will also push back the exam dates, allowing for block classes to finish teaching material. Whether or not these days will dramatically affect how long school will run in June has yet to be determined.